This Client’s vacation home on the shores of Lake of the Ozarks had a large, unwieldy side-yard with quickly eroding slopes, emptying into the lake. The site design was developed to include a bi-level kitchen with entertaining pavilion, a heavily naturalized cliffside garden, extended pool deck with multi-level terraces, and a show-stopping feature, a natural swimming pool fed by a cascading stream and falls that can be seen from the areas main bridge. Their dream was achieved utilizing over 800 tons of locally sourced limestone bisected by 140 feet of rushing stream, several series of falls over 30 feet of elevation, and a series of pools. Other features include natural limestone stairs set into the cliff side, several terraces, bio-filtration to clean and slow the water before returning it to the lake, as a well as introducing the water through a stone culvert to give intrigue to the beginning of the feature. This Lake of the Ozarks waterfall allows for a highly interactive natural water feature experience while also providing commanding views from many vantage points.